FAST Project Workshop, Summary
**Follow up event “Yorkshire and the eUnion” to be held on 15th April 2010 in Sheffield. Click here for more info.**
The overall aim of the event was to raise the profile of Identity Management and the significance placed upon this in the Communication from the Commission, “Raising the Game”. It was argued that it would be difficult to envisage new applications emerging without a requirement to have identity management in place. The aim of the FAST Workshop was to encourage the participants to envisage a use for the FAST platform in their day-to-day activities. Participants had backgrounds ranging right across the public administration sector and from a wide breadth of disciplines within local and regional government.
Attendees included representatives from:
- South Yorkshire Police Authority
- South Yorkshire National Health Service
- South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Authority
- Local Health practitioners
- The Ambulance Service
- Universities and academic institutions
- Representatives from a range of departments in Local Authorities from across the Yorkshire Region and the UK.
- National Government representatives
- European participants
- Diginus
Groups of two people were each asked to come up with five applications utilising identity management and capable of being enhanced by utilising the FAST platform. Subsequently, these groups became four people and they were asked to select five applications from the ten they had brought forward. The outcome was that a reducing set of applications were reported and catalogued. Subsequently, an exercise took place whereby all the applications were put into categories. Below is the outcome of this working session illustrating a few examples of using the FAST service in South Yorkshire, suggested by practitioners themselves, grouped in the categories which evolved through discussions.
Applications using personal and sensitive information:
- Transferring Blood Transfusion service records.
- Police evidence files and witness statements.
- Trans-European Data Transfer –specifically that required for European Electoral Registration purposes.
- Information needed in multi-agency community support services
- Key medical data such as allergies and language needs from doctors to Hospitals for emergency admissions
- Public protection communications-school communications, vulnerable adults communications.
Government to Business Applications:
- Invoicing as part of the public procurement process
- Procurement contracts
- Commercial contracts to an ISO Standard
- PIN numbers for banking renewal
- Applications for jobs
- Applications for school admissions
Eligibility and Legal Status:
- Criminal Records Bureau checking process and access to records.
- Certification and accreditation
- Eligibility for “Blue badges” – parking for disabled
- Eligibility for free school meals
- Copyright/Licensing/IPR transmissions
Closing Summary of the Event
In closing the event, it was put to the participants that furthering “identity management” capabilities should become one of the key focal activities of the EASY Connects partnership in the next work programme and this was widely encouraged and supported. We are giving away free educational brochures which are on freebies site called