Event to be held on 17th September 2009



**Follow up event to be held on 15th April 2010 in Sheffield. Click here for more info.**

This will be a follow-up event to the previous one held at Magna – “Yorkshire Digital Eco-system” in the light of the successful launch of the “Digital Region” initiative, providing broadband to South Yorkshire.  The event will be held at Magna, South Yorkshire and will take place on the 17th September between 10:00 and 16:00.  A dinner will be held on the evening prior to the event.  To register, click on the Event Registration link on the left hand menu.  Alternatively, email shaun.topham@ukonline.co.uk .

Setting the scene

A top level strategy for using IST to help the EU get out of recession was issued earlier this year.
This was “Raising the Game”. The strategy placed great emphasis on the need for identity management as a prerequisite to the evolution of new services in the future and a consultation process has since been initiated, entitled “Towards an Electronic Identity Management (eID) Infrastructure for Trustworthy Services in e-Government and e-Commerce in the European Union”  It also focussed on how a deployment of large scale pan-European interoperability initiatives would become key building blocks.  In removing European barriers, we are simultaneously removing local barriers.  The speaker from the Commission in Brussels  will set this context.

Presentations from e@SY Connects and from the “Digital Region” team will provide the local and national context and establish how taking forward aspects of “Raising the Game” will benefit the Region.

Case Studies

There will be presentations of some of  the existing large scale EU wide pilots covering interoperability across the EU in terms of eProcurement (PEPPOL), eIdentity  (STORK), ehealth (EPSOS) eServices Directive and the Services Directive Large Scale Pilot, (SPOCS).

The question can be raised as to what possible role the digital region could play in the next raft of demonstration projects to be funded. There will be examples of local EU funded initiatives which utilise identification and authentication along with secure messaging to enable the next generation of services, cutting across organisations, to be developed.

FAST Project

e@SY Connects have been invited to participate on initiating a secure messaging service, which with time-stamping and archival facilities, will enable communications previously bound by legal and security restrictions to being paper based, to be now put online. The initial applications have been selected but others may be considered.

In addition to FAST, other EU projects involving e@SY Connects will be presented and workshops provided. These will include DIADEM, covering personalisation of forms for elderly people.  One outcome will be a mechanism for achieving mainstream funding from the EU Framework and CIP PSP programmes to progress the work of administrations in the region and to maximise use of the digital region infrastructure.

A dinner will be held on the evening prior to the event (16th September) in sheffield with details to follow.  Please state when registering for the event whether you will be attending the dinner.
To sign up for this event simply fill in the form in the Event Registration section.
Directions to the event can be found here.
For further details contact:

Dr Shaun Topham, President, EU eForum.